WinSem 2016 Program


 Costs of Democracy

a European Challenge

22-26 February 2016

Interdisciplinary elective course


Constitutional Law and Political Sciences,

Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Széchenyi István University


Coordinator and Supervisor:

Dr. Smuk Péter, Head of Department, Vice Dean for Education


Venue: 12 Áldozat str. Győr, Hungary (Building of the Faculty of Law, Deák-terem)


 Monday 22nd February

 13.00 Opening session and inauguration

Welcome speeches

Prof. Judit Fazekas, dean of the Faculty of Law

Dr. Peter Smuk, Head of the Dept. Constitutional Law and Political Sciences

 “Costs of Human Rights“

lecture by Prof. Erzsébet Kardos-Kaponyi (Corvinus University, Budapest)

14.45 Introducing Győr & Sightseeing walk


Tuesday 23rd February

9.00 “Recent Cases Pertaining to Property Rights”

lecture by Dr. Peter Darák (President of the Curia [Supreme Court] of Hungary)

11.00 “The Cost of Freedom of Speech v Blasphemy: The Media and Cartoons (Charlie Hebdo and Jyllands Posten)”

lecture by Dr. Andrej Školkay (Director, School of Communication and Media, Bratislava, Slovakia)

12.30 Lunch-time

13.00 Contentious politics in Cental- and in South-Eastern Europe

lecture by Dimitar Nikolovski (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, researcher, Institute for Social and European Studies, Kőszeg)

13.30 The Concept of Civil Society Before and After 1989

lecture by Dr. Jody P. Jensen (Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre for Social Sciences, senior researcher, Institute for Social and European Studies, Kőszeg)

14.00 Developing democracy in the Central European region

Bence Kocsev (Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Humanities, PhD candidate, Institute for Social and European Studies, Kőszeg)

15.00 Discussion Panel / Workshop – Brain Drain: Causes And Effects

20.00 Cultural evening


Wednesday 24th February

9.00-10.00 "The Costs and Legitimacy of EU Policies”

lecture by Dr. László Milassin (associate professor at SZE Faculty of Law)

10.00-11.00 "The European migration debate: rootcauses, rhetoric and reality”

lecture by Dr. Ferenc Hegyesi (Head of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)

11.00-12.00 Discussion, debate

12.00 Lunch-time

13.00 Trip to Pannonhalma

Cultural Evening at Szél Fiai Fogadó


Thursday 25th February

9.00 – 9.40 “Constitutional limitations of State interventions into property rights. (Based on the major decisions of the Constitutional Court of Hungary)”

lecture by Prof. István Stumpf (Judge of the Constitutional Court of Hungary, professor at SZE Faculty of Law)

9.40 – 10.20 “Constitutional Approach to the Public Financing of Political Parties and Candidates in Election Campaigns”

lecture by Dr. Péter Smuk (associate professor at SZE Faculty of Law, Head of Department of Constitutional Law and Political Sciences)

10.20 – 11.00 “How much does the operation of a parliament cost? – Questions concerning financing the operation of legislatures.”

lecture by Dr. Csaba Erdős (senior lecturer at SZE Faculty of Law)

(11.00 – 11.10 Coffee break)

11.10 – 11.50 “Costs of democracy in Strasbourg. What is worth: observing the principles or paying compensations?”

lecture by Dr. Péter Váczi (associate professor at SZE Faculty of Law)

11.50 – 12.30 “How to finance academic freedom?”

lecture by Dr. Gergely G. Karácsony (senior lecturer at SZE Faculty of Law)

12.30 Lunch-time

 13.30 “Extraordinary taxation in Europe”

lecture by Dr. Michal Radvan (Associate professor, Department of Financial Law and Economics, Vice Dean of Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, Czech Republic)

 15.00 – 16.30 Workshop

 20.00 Cultural Evening


Friday 26th February

9.30 Workshop Conference

12.00 Closing Session, Presenting of Certificates

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