
Call for Applications


Winter Seminar 2021


Where to Study? Where to Work? Where to Live?

Career Routes for Young Intellectuals in Central and Eastern Europe



24-26 February 2021

Győr, Hungary


at Széchenyi István University Faculty of Law

Department of Constitutional Law and Political Sciences



Many young people in Central and Eastern Europe plan to go abroad to study and work (and maybe unplanned: to live). In 2021, the pandemic and the Brexit set new challenges for these aspirations. The Winter Seminar aims to discuss the new frames of our dreams, including the alternatives online higher education and innovative jobs can offer. The alumni of our international programs are welcome to share their experience on planning and implementing European or global study programs and career routes.









  • The interdisciplinary intensive seminar offers a workshop and a forum for students and young researchers.
  • Noted experts, lecturers and professors from different Central European universities help to discover and discuss the various aspects of brain drain, student mobility, online and innovative study programs, workplaces in Europe and in our region.
  • The seminar will include academic lectures and workshop opportunities with the active contribution of participants.
  • Besides the new participants, this year the Alumni of the previous Winter Seminars and Batthyany Summer Schools will meet again – and tell the stories of our career routes.



Program details


The official programme will take place online via Google Meet platform, hosted by the Széchenyi István University, Department of Constitutional Law and Political Sciences. (Link will be published in due time before the event.)


Period: 24-26 February 2021


  • The Seminar is open for higher education students and PhD candidates as young researchers from any fields of legal, economic, media, communications, social, international and security studies from all over Europe.
  • 20 places are provided for incoming new students from abroad (plus alumni colleagues will join).
  • The language of the Seminar is English.
  • We present e-certificates on the participation and contributions.




Registration fee: no registration fee.




Application deadline:

8 February 2021



How to apply to the Winter Seminar 2021?


The application form is available here.


The applicants will be informed about the admission results until 20 February 2021.



Information and contact:




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Alkotmányjogi és Politikatudományi Tanszék Eseménynaptára

Beszélgess Velem! 2025. Március 27. 16:30 - 17:30
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ETO University Handball Team - Szeged 2025. Március 30. 18:00 - 19:00

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