
Interdisciplinary elective course
Constitutional Law and Political Sciences, 
Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Széchenyi István University
Coordinator and Supervisor: 
Prof. Dr. Smuk Péter, Head of Department
25 February – 1 March 2019
Venue: 12 Áldozat str. Győr, Hungary (Building of the Faculty of Law)
 The interdisciplinary intensive seminar offers a university course and a forum for students and young researchers.
 Noted experts, lecturers and professors from different Central European universities help to discover and discuss legal, political, social, economic and EU-aspects concerning the fundamental values in Europe and in our region.
 PANELS of discussions: o democratic procedures - elections, public opinion, political discourse; o rule of law - division of powers, fundamental rights, judicial power; o indentity - European and/or constitutional identity, sovereignty and EU membership;
 The seminar will include academic lectures + workshop opportunities with the active contribution of participants + off-campus events + cultural evenings. Program details Venue – official programme: Széchenyi István University, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Building “J” H-9026 Győr, Áldozat str. 12. (Hungary) Period: 25 February – 1 March 2019 (academic program from Monday to Friday).
 The Seminar is open for higher education students and PhD candidates as young researchers from any fields of legal, economic, media, communications, social or international studies from all over Europe.
 20 places are provided for incoming students from abroad.  The language of the Seminar is English.
 We present certificates on the participation and contributions.
 You can obtain 5 ECTS credit points. Costs Registration fee: 80 EUR (shall be paid at the registration) that covers the o accommodation in the student hostel of the University (5 minutes walk from downtown), o technical background, handing-outs and the publication of the scientific results of workshop sessions, o cultural programme, visit to historical places.

For information on applications click here.

Information and contact:
 via email:

Alkotmányjogi és Politikatudományi Tanszék Eseménynaptára

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