WinSem 2019 - program

Monday, 25th February

9.00-14.00 Registration (venue: K1 Student Hostel)

12.30 Sightseeing walk

15.00 Fundamental Values of the European Union
Lecture by László MILASSIN (associate professor, University of Győr)


Tuesday, 26th February


10.00 15 years of EU membership. European identity of Hungarian citizens
Lecture by Boglárka KOLLER (associate professor, National University of Public Service)

11.30 How ECHR could improve the quality of elections in Europe
Lecture by Helen HARDMAN (lecturer, University of Glasgow)


14.00 Art 18. ECHR case study with Dániel KARSAI (attorney at law)

15.30-17.00 Participants’ presentations

Civil society and its influence on elections by Daniil PILSHCHIKOV & Tukhman KESHISHYAN

Public observers at electrions in Russia by Anna GORBUNOVA

Constitutional adjudication and modernization of constitutions by Nikita IGUMNOV

Implementation Issues of the Russian Constitutional Court decisions by Marina LAZAREVA

Separation of Powers in European Countries: Functions of the Hungarian Constitutional Court by Aung NGE NGE

Romania in the EU Presidency by Hedwig BICSKEI

17.30 Concert

Rehearsal of the Győr Symphonic Band (University Concert Hall)


Wednesday, 27th February

7.30 Journey to Budapest

10.00 Visit to the House of the Nation, the Parliament of Hungary
Lecture on the Hungarian National Assembly

14.00 Visit to the Constitutional Court of Hungary
General introduction to the Constitutional Court of Hungary
Lecture on the functioning of the Court and recent decisions by László DETRE (counselor, Constitutional Court)

[Sightseeing in Budapest]

21.00 Back to Győr


Thursday, 28th February


9.30 Fighting for Identity. European Challenges and Central European Realities

Lecture by István STUMPF (judge of the Constitutional Court, professor, University of Győr)

10.30 Az EU helyzete a geopolitikai és világkereskedelmi kihívások fényében
Lecture in Hungarian by János MARTONYI (Venue: ÚT-230)

12.30 The effect of online gatekeepers on freedom of speech
Lecture by Balázs BARTÓKI-GÖNCZY (senior lecturer, National University of Public Service)


13.30-17.00 Participants’ presentations
Every Driver Matters - Recent Twists in the „UBER-Saga” by Petra Ágnes KANYUK

Borders in the Modern World: Pro and Contra by Daniil STENKIN

Neighbouring law in Hungary and Russia: a comparative analysis by Iuliia SIUBAEVA

Transformation of the Energy Sector in Conditions of Digital 7Economy by Margarita RUCHKINA & George KADZHEAV

The right of access to the Internet in Spainish constitutionalism by Tamara ÁLVAREZ ROBLES

Social networks: regulation problems and liability by Alina ZAVARINA

Commission of public observers in prisons as a guarantee of the rights of prisoners by Alexandra PETROVA

The Impact of Islamophobia on Denmark’s Social and Political Sphere by Iuliia FILARETOVA

Issue of humanitarian intervention in the context of international law principles by Anton LIUTYNSKII


18.00 Cultural evening [dinner at Révész Restaurant]

Friday, 1st March

9.00-12.00 Forum

Theories of „Rule of law” in the Western European Legal Philosophy. What is the heritage of XXth century? by Katalin EGRESI (University of Győr)

„United in diversity” - The European project. Do we still believe in it? by István POLGÁR (University of Oradea)

European Identity vs National Identity in Central and Eastern Europe by Brie MIRCEA (University of Oradea)

Regulations on Cybercrime in China and the world by Dawei SONG

The institute of referendum in Russia and European countries. A Comparative Study by Polina POPOVA

Presidential System in Turkey by Caglar SAHIN

Major Transformations of the modern Russian judicial system by Valeriia LARIONOVA

12.30 Certificates, farewell

Alkotmányjogi és Politikatudományi Tanszék Eseménynaptára

Meghívó dr. Frank Máté műhelyvitájára 2025. Január 17. 13:00 - 14:00
Agrofeed UNI Győr - Vásárhelyi Kosársuli 2025. Január 17. 19:00 - 20:00
Uni Győr Örömfutás 2025. Január 18. 09:00 - 10:00
Beszélgess velem! 2025. Január 23. 17:00 - 18:00
Uni Győr Örömfutás 2025. Január 25. 09:00 - 10:00

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