Parliaments in Central-Eastern Europe

Parliaments in Central-Eastern Europe

- elective intensive course in political sciences -

summer semester, 2007/2008

5 February – Introduction

25-29 February – Lectures

15 April – Test

Lectures (visiting at least 9 lectures from the list below is mandatory):


Monday (25.02)

Tuesday (26.02)

Wednesday (27.02)

Thursday (28.02)

Friday (29.02)


Dr. László Milassin:

(professor, Széchenyi István University)

Development and history of the European integration

Dr. Agnieszka Wenninger:

(scientific associate, GESIS - Social Science Information Centre, Berlin)

How to get access to scientific information? GESIS services for social science research

Dr. Mihály Lados

professor, Széchenyi István University

Regional policies of the EU

Dr. Imre Verebélyi:

(professor, Széchenyi István University)

Local governments in Europe

Dr. Peter Smuk:

(assistant professor, Széchenyi István University)

Outlines of Central European constitutional development




business management in Central Europe

Dr. Erich Hochleitner

(Director, OEIES - Österreichisches Institut für europ. Sicherheitspolitik)

The European Security and Defense Policy

Dr. Csaba Törõ:

(Head of Unit, Office for International Relations, Hungarian Parliament)

The European Neighbourhood Policy of the EU





Dr. Eszter Lukács

(assistant professor, Széchenyi István University)

Regionally Integrated Transnational Corporations in Central Europe

Dr. Károly Grúber:

(Senior Consultant, Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Europe and Russia: What Future Together?




Dr. András Szegedi

(assistant professor, Széchenyi István University)

EU competition law

Dr. Pál Tamás:

(Director, Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
Research Institute of Sociology

EU Policies and Politics in Eastern Europe: Confrontation and/or a New "Ostpolitik"?

Dr. Attila Marján:

(European Commission, Cabinet Member)

The Future of the European Single Market in the Globalised World



The goal of the course: introducing the Central-Eastern European political systems in the light of the EU-enlargement.

Requirements: Students shall write an essay (min. 7 pages till the end of the semester) or a test (on 15 April) according to one of the topics. The working language of the course is English (the essay and the test is also in English).

Dr. Peter Smuk

assistant prof.

Department of Const. Law and Political Sciences

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