WinSem 2016 Readings

Preparative readings for the lectures:

“Costs of Human Rights"lecture by Prof. Erzsébet Kardos-Kaponyi (Corvinus University Budapest)

“Recent Cases Pertaining to Property Rights”lecture by Dr. Peter Darák (President of the Curia [Supreme Court] of Hungary)

“The Cost of Freedom of Speech v Blasphemy: The Media and Cartoons (Charlie Hebdo and Jyllands Posten)”lecture by Dr. Andrej Školkay (Director, School of Communication and Media, Bratislava, Slovakia)

"Developing democracy in the Central European region" - lecture by Bence Kocsev (Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Humanities, PhD candidate, Institute for Social and European Studies, Kőszeg)

“Constitutional Approach to the Public Financing of Political Parties and Candidates in Election Campaigns”lecture by Dr. Péter Smuk (associate professor at SZE Faculty of Law, Head of Department of Constitutional Law and Political Sciences)

“Extraordinary taxation in Europe”lecture by Dr. Michal Radvan (Associate professor, Department of Financial Law and Economics, Vice Dean of Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, Czech Republic)

Alkotmányjogi és Politikatudományi Tanszék Eseménynaptára

Agrofeed UNI Győr - Budafok 2025. Január 31. 19:00 - 20:00
Meghívó dr. Ősze Áron védésére 2025. Február 17. 10:00 - 12:00
Nagy Péter PhD disszertációjának védése 2025. Február 17. 10:00 - 11:00

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