
Call for Applications

Visegrad Winter Seminar


Law, Politics, Economy and Society

in Central and Eastern Europe


24-28 February 2014

Győr, Hungary


at Széchenyi István University

Faculty of Law and Political Sciences



  • The interdisciplinary intensive seminar offers a university course and a forum for students and young researchers.
  • Noted lecturers and professors from different Central European universities are going to help to discuss legal, political, social and economic aspects of the EU accession and its relevancy in our region – with special attention to the Visegrad countries.
  • The seminar will include lectures on thematic issues, workshop opportunities with the active contribution of participants, and cultural events, as well.


Program details

 Venue – official programme: Széchenyi István University, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Building “J”, H-9026 Győr, Áldozat str. 12. (Hungary).

 Period: 24-28 February 2014 (from Monday to Friday).


  • The Seminar is open for graduate students and PhD candidates as young researchers from the fields of legal, economic, social or international studies from all over Europe.
  • The language of the Seminar is English.
  • We present certificates on the participation and lecturing, confirming the acquisition of 5 ECTS credits.
  • Please find the academic data-sheet of the course attached to this announcement.



  • Registration: 30 EUR (shall be paid at the registration)
  • The registration fee also covers the accommodation in the student hostel of the University.
  • We provide the technical background, the handing-out of the received home reports and the publication of the scientific results of our workshop sessions. 

Application deadline:

31 January 2014


How to apply to the 2014 Winter Seminar?

The application shall include:

  • filled application form (click here for download)
  • letter of recommendation from a professor (not compulsory but recommended)


All documents should be sent via e-mail to


The applicants will be informed about the results until 5 February 2014.


Information and contact:

  • on the emails above;
  • at
  • join us on facebook:

Alkotmányjogi és Politikatudományi Tanszék Eseménynaptára

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